In the name of Allah The Most Merciful The Most BeneficentasSalam alaikum
This is my first post for my blog... what I want to share here is how i feel great upon my mother who educate me about management . It maybe look simple but if i don't have this education I would have been having a tangled life .
The tough life of kampung/village peopleShe is a lady who never get high formal education .Not even complete standard four class. She had to look after her small sister and brother while her mother gone to work in paddy feild and as rubber taper. She has another 2 elder sister who used to work in kitchen and cleaning.
As working in the kitchen those days of year 1950th not same as year 2000. Everything now can be done by machine or u can buy ready made stuff for cooking .even cooking become so easy and fast ..ready in short time . Then u will be free to read or watch favourite movie or go out for any activity.
On those day, before my aunties could cook rice they had to dry the paddy under the heat of the sun.When chaff that coated the paddy crispy dry my aunties will have to pound it using wooden pounding to break off the crispy skin of the paddy from the rice. The next process was call ketampi. The rice will be collected and put on a tray made of mengkuang leaves and was shaked to sapperate the rice and the chaff.. then it was ready to cook . Later on there was a rice mill in the village . So after the paddy were dried under the heat of the sun they just took it to the paddy mill to have a clean and good form of rice .
My aunties used wood to cook the food. They had to collect the wood from the rubber estate bring home. If it was too big they have to chop it into smaller pieces. Then it is kept under the house away from rain . To make fire is not easy if you have no skill to do it.
To make curry aunty will have to grind some various spices mix according to her skill with a tool call batu giling...that's why this kind of curry taste more delecious coz it was made from fresh spices . while the coconut milk had to be done from the step.They collected under a coconut tree or buy from neighbour with whole skin and they had to peel off by using axe. Then cut the crust into 2 , grated the white stuff with a so call kukur .. this white coconut part is squeezed to get coconut milk.
Mother learned managementHard life taught my mother and people of those time about life management practically. Even in doing housework it was started before sunrise and step by step before they could take rest at night time . There was no television to stay late night, no computer game to play so people will sleep early enough to wake up fresh early in the morning . And no wonder at teenage they became matured and work skilfully. So its not strange if you learned that they married at very early age as 14 years old.
Early in the morning when azan heard at 5.45 am my grand mother , my mum and her sisters had to wake up. did solat fajr then grandma went to rubber estate to tap rubber. Her sister will cooked for breakfast, a simple cucur made of wheat flour mixed with onion cook in deep fry and eat with homemade chilly sauce. Some will prepare for school .. the small one still sleeping.
Mum did house cleaning , washing clothes and take small brother and sister to bathe. After that mum played with them and afternoon came at 3 pm mum took all clothes hanging to bring in home, folded neatly and kept in 3 feet high cupboard. While her big sisters as usual preparing food for breakfast, lunch, teatime and dinner . This was the routine life of my mum and her team during age of teenager.
Mum management lesson.When it come to me mum always make sure that we will carry on this proper daily management
- Mum said we must ready our school bags and iron our uniform before go to bed.
- Wake up early so that we won't rush and had a lot of problem or if any problem still have time to tackle.
- Move your hand fast and walk fast but silently and carefully like you are in sports game .. and try to complete work in short time as possible.
- Never delay or phosponed any job unless needed ..Start the job as soon as possible so that u can get rid the feeling of laziness.
- During school holiday wake up early as ever but noway to sleep back after solat fajr. we were told to go straight to do work as routine...such as prepare break fast ,sweep the floor wash clothes ,etc. sleeping after fajr prayer can make a person become lazy and weak.
- Try to limit utensil use, or avoid the place become so messy, so that we don't have to take longer time to wash and keep it
- Finally after do work make sure all things is kept neatly to its place to make work done well and complete and u are living in beautiful and clean house no matter how small the house is .
- When all house work done then its time we can study. My mum said when house is tidy and clean it help you to study and think well ... !!
I never blame my mum for my weakness
It is common when a boy or a girl make mistake or misbehave , the parent will be blamed . In my case if I am not perform well in my life I don't blame my parents and I will never allow anyone to blame them because I swear that they have trained and guide me well. It is my weakness to follow their guidance. Sometimes I neglect her teaching due to not understanding the needs of life or maybe lazy too. Young people will prefer to do something more amusing, easy and unusual. When time goes on you will realize what is right and what is priority. Some people learn fast some learn very slow.
Thanks MUM . Jazakallahukhairan ( May Allah makes everythings easy for mum )
Why blamed parents for this kind of behaviour .. he has grown up and prefer to his own desire to be mat rempit. No parents want their offspring to be like parasites.