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I love to learn alot of things in this world, and would love to share with my fellow friends what I had discovered. May this little piece of work will inspire us all towards the reality of life and faith.

11 July 2007

Does Muslim Worship The Kaabah?

From this photo you may see what exactly inside The Kaaba . There is no any statues or idols inside. From outside you will see the black cloth with golden Arabic embroidery writing Praising Allah.

The black cloth covering this huge concrete square building. This huge square building is not for the Muslim to worship as most non Muslim use to think . It's an object to centralize the direction of worshiping God for every Muslim around the world as its function as the centre point of the earth.

سبحان الله و الحمد لله و الله اكبر
لا إ له إلا الله و حده لا شريك له
له الملك و له الحمد , وهو على كل شيء قدير
لاإ له إلا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
سبحان الله و بحمد ه
حسبى الله لا ا له الا هو عليه تو كلت و هو رب العرش العظيم

وهذه الصورة النادرة للكعبة من الداخل

وهذه صورة التقطتها الصحافة لحظة خروج خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبد العزيز واخوانه قادة العالم الاسلامي من الكعبة المشرفة ويظهر في الصور جدار الكعبة من الداخل ولونه اخضر وكذلك احد الاعمدة وبعض الفوانيس المعلقة .

The History of Kaaba.

In The Quran had mentioned:

  " Behold! We gave the site, To Ibrahim, of the (Sacred) House", Al Hajj, 26

Accordingly, Ibrahim and his son Ismail built the Kabah. Later through the decades the Kabah was rebuilt various times through history but always by maintaining the original stonework and dimensions. The Kabah has a great role in Islam, being the vocal point of all prayers as well as a destination for worship and devotion. As translated from the Quran:
 "Allah hath appointed the Kabah, the Sacred House, a standard for mankind"  Al maidah, 97  

 1 = Center of the earth
 2 = History, Makkah during Abraham.
 3 = Year 157 before Hejrah, Makkah during Gussei, Grandfather to Prophet Mohammed.
 4 = Year 12 before Hejrah, Makkah during Guraish.
 5 = Year 91 Hejrah, Makkah the Omayied Era.
 6 = Year 310 Hejrah, Makkah during the Abbasied Era.  
 7 = Year 1215 Hejra, Makkah during the Ottoman Empire.
 8 = Year 1412 hejrah, makkah after completed by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosque, King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz
