Loving & caring

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I love to learn alot of things in this world, and would love to share with my fellow friends what I had discovered. May this little piece of work will inspire us all towards the reality of life and faith.

08 May 2011

A Day in Amman Jordan


Umrah 2007


If my children not behave as a Responsible Muslim ......

I remember one friend whom I respect his spirit and committed in da'awa ...he is actively working to call the youngsters to practice Islam and has some experience to share with and quite an outspoken fellow.

How ever I was so surprised when once I heard he said in a discussion group ... if my kids not behave a good Muslim i will not be here anymore... I was disagree with his way of thinking .. but .. anyway i can understand why this idea exist .

We use to hear comments from public upon some religious people who fail to make their children to be like them or atleast behave good muslim ...

They might say ".... this people are too much busy with the social work and forget to educate his own family ... "

or some might say" ...no need to teach us when  you don't even able to control your kids...."

or something sound like this ... " I think u are so strict with yr kids so they rebell and now they are getting away from you."

Now !! who are we to judge on what he had done for his kids if he fail ..Allah knows best !!

If this is a show at the stadium or motor circuit .. parents might be feeling proud .. but if it is at the public street or roadway then its against the law and etique, and no parents would like their children to behave like this.  Unfortunately people keep blaming the parents for this misbehave without understand well the actual fact .

How hard the parents trained their children to be good and responsible as a member in the family, helpful, respectful and humble and gentle but with high motivation to protect the family needs, but when they grown up and take steps into the real world by themselves, to be independent with the challenge environment, this is the moment where it is testing their knowledge and understanding from their parents' teaching.

Anyway making mistake does not mean end of our world. As long we have our heart keep on beating there is still ways to make things back together again as we wish , just time and patient that matter most .. support from all angle family, friends, public and government rule is needed to keep high moral keep on tract. Finally pray to God to helps us keep our step on the right tract.

To my beloving children I wish they will be as Allah SWT wish them to be..

There is no place like Heaven Al Firdaus !!