Loving & caring

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I love to learn alot of things in this world, and would love to share with my fellow friends what I had discovered. May this little piece of work will inspire us all towards the reality of life and faith.

25 December 2007

Exploring Cittagong city

Biscuits made in Malaysia.. on first day in Dhaka

6th Dec. 2007 we arrived safely in Dhaka after 4 hrs travelling by Malaysian airline system from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to Zia International Airport, Dhaka. Travelling for hrs made my legs strain alot, but we had prepared first aid for our needs.

At domestic departure we were served with some biscuits and cakes made in Malaysia before boarding... very interesting! We departed at 4 pm and arrived at Cittagong International Airport 40 mins later. From high above I could see some big ponds or wide swamp area. Later on I was told that some area had been affected by flood before winter season came.

At exit door of the airport we were welcomed by 2 of our hosts. They were from Dowlatpur Village who was working in MidEast country for years. With cheerful face one of them handed over a bouquet of flower one for me and one for hubby.

5 pm was time for maghrib prayer. We were told to take one night stay in Cittagong city because Dowlatpur village is 40+ km away and it took abt 2 hrs to arrive. Our host said he will get 2 taxi because we have 2 big luggage. I was surprise why 2 taxi .? .. 2 big luggage and 4 passengers was enough for one taxi .

Three wheels taxi

Oo masyaAllah ...! There came the taxi with 3 wheels that could take only 3 passengers according to traffic law. In bangladesh it's called cng taxi, tut tut in Thailand and riksha in Pakistan... did not check wat it's called in India .. but this kind of taxi in Bangladesh was imported from India.


It's cheapest way to travel and faster compared to another cheaper transport called riksha. We saw this 2 kind of transport many on the road . Very rare motorist seen . They were cars and vans, buses and lorries too. The road was so so busy and not systematic

No traffic law..the driver is free ...?

Traffic jam happened sometimes but nobody showed anger to the driver that cause the blocking. Every driver seemed to understood each other, and tolerate to impatient driver. I guess no one here knows know the meaning of breaking the traffic law eventhough it run over the red traffic light . No matter driving agressively eventhough it made me screaming frightened from collide. No accident eventhough the drivers over take at curve road. The driver will make hon to warn if any car coming from opposite side and the car from opposite road will slow down to let this car over take safely. Bangladesh drivers were skillful in driving .. but i did not see any drivers drived more then 80 km/hr or maybe not even 60 km/hr on of 2 lanes road in Cittagong. 12 days in Bangladesh. I didnt see any car collide or accident too. Mercyful God...!

On the first night we were accomodate at Quader home, a student of computer science. His father an engineer welcomed us and served special dish as starter. Itts the culture. They call it noodles which was instant fried mee in malaysia and some Benggoli sweets. This noodles make my stomach full. .
At 10 pm was their dinner time.. They served Benggali cuisine consist of chicken in gravy, dried shrimp fried, boiled eggs, fried fish, 2 dish of vegetables , special dhall soup and rice. Phuh ..! This was so gooooodd ! I was so surprise to see them serve one full plate plenty of rice. I had to ask apology because I could not take that much and transfer half of the rice to other empty plate. It recalled me when I used to eat at Indian restaurant they used to give u full plenty of rice in one pack which i could only ate half of it. I used to complain my husband ate too fast ... but here I saw my host he really beat my husband. He ate faster then my husband... He didnt care eventhough I was laughing at him .

Its winter season in Bagladesh. The temperature at night in Cittagong was abt 18 degree celsius. Due to long journey we slept like a log in this house which has 3 rooms with 2 toilets, dining area, hall and medium size kitchen. Very convinient for small family. It's beautiful and had most of the basic needs for convinient living. Florescent lamp, clean pipe water, gas stove, fridge ... but no eletric heater for winter season or air condition for summer season. Only fan for summer and soft thick blanket made in Korea, sweater local made and hot tea with milk blend on stove to keep warm in winter.

Second day In Bangladesh..

Giving respect to Imam al Hafiz Abu Jaafar

Fajar solat in Cittagong was abt 5.15 am Bangladesh time .. but our eyes that used to fajr prayer in Malaysia had awaken at 4 am that would be 6 am in Malaysia. After solat cant sleep anymore so I took a stroll outside . It was 6.30 pm the sky was so bright.. but resident area still quiet. Only few peoples walking and some riksha waiting to offer services . The fare was less then 1 RM per ride depend on the distance .

In the picture with Hj Amin is an Imam of Masjid Jamie Al falah the national masjid of Cittagong Imam Al Hafiz Abu Jaafar. He is a famous Imam in Cittagong . He wrote many religious articles in national language. Can speak Arabic but not English. Together in the picture is his son a student of madrasah in Cittagong city. In Cittagong city madrasah teachers and students are obliged to stay in hostel and they can return home during week end or public holidays .

Imam Abu Jafar lives in Dowlatpur Village. We was taken by our host to visit him on the second day to give respect ... Hubby and me will stay in his home for few days. He welcomed us and served lunch Pullau rice with chicken and boiled egg. So sweet and so plenty. If I ate all of them I might sure increase in my weight another 5 kg within few days. They ate so much but they really thin. I was wondering what kind of body metabolism they had.

He told us that he could not attend us at his home. But he will meet us on friday because that would be his off day to join his family in the village which was abt 75 - 80 km away from Cittagong city.

Many beggars in City but not any in village

While we were talking suddenly a lady beggar simply enter the Imam's home. she was talking banggali, squating infront of me and touching my feet with her 2 hands. I used to see that in Indian movie but this was first time it really happen to me. I just move my feet backward and look at her curiousity . My host gave her some money but she refused to take and still begging something from me which I could not understand. I ask my host what she said but he not telling me. Later on the Imam son asked her to go out, but she still begging from the window.

These were common in city. Many beggars from small kids women and men too. , but u will not meet any beggar in village. Once there was a woman carrying a handicaped man while begging. I was told that its activity of a syndicate.... these poor people were used to beg to collect money for a syndicate group. wallahualam

After visit Imam Abu Jafar who was our host's father, we started our journey to Dowlatpur village by cng taxi. It was 300 Taka fare abt 15 RM.. since we hired 2 taxi so that would be 30 RM for 4 of us and my 2 big luggage for distance abt 75 - 80 km . It was adventure to ride an open air transport for more than 2 hours in winter .. and sometimes had to pass on groovy road make your body shaking rock and roll.

to be continued....

If any mistake in my grammer or vocabulary kindly inform me plsss .. tq!

02 December 2007

Iran kecam AS biayai Israel -

Iran kecam AS biayai Israel - Sifatkan sidang damai Asia Barat tidak akan berjaya

TOKYO 2 Dis. – Presiden Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yang mengecam rundingan damai Asia Barat anjuran Amerika Syarikat (AS) berkata, rakyat Palestin tidak mempunyai wakil sebenar pada rundingan tersebut.

Mahmoud dalam wawancara yang disiarkan di sini hari ini berkata, perdamaian di Asia Barat tidak mungkin dicapai kerana Washington terus membiayai tentera Israel.

“Mustahil bagi sebuah negara yang membekalkan senjata dan peralatan tentera berbilion-bilion dolar kepada Israel tetapi kemudian bertindak cuba membawa damai kepada Palestin,” kata Mahmoud sewaktu wawancara dengan stesen televisyen Jepun, TV Asahi di Teheran.
Beliau mengecam keras sidang damai yang diadakan di Annapolis, Maryland itu.

Tegas Mahmoud, penganjur persidangan itu enggan mengakui punca utama masalah Palestin ialah kerana penganjur itu sendiri iaitu AS, bertindak melindungi penindas rakyat Palestin.

“Wakil sebenar rakyat Palestin tidak menyertai rundingan, kepentingan mereka tidak dihiraukan,” ujar beliau dalam bahasa Parsi yang kemudiannya diterjemahkan ke bahasa Jepun.

Pada sidang damai Asia Barat di itu, para pemimpin Israel dan Palestin di hadapan wakil dari hampir 50 negara mengumumkan rundingan damai rasmi akan disambung semula selepas tujuh tahun terbengkalai.

Iran berkali-kali mengutuk rundingan tersebut yang dilihat oleh banyak pihak sebagai bertujuan memencilkan republik Islam itu.

Pergerakan Hamas yang menguasai Genting Gaza sejak Jun juga membantah penyambungan semula rundingan damai dengan alasan, Presiden Palestin, Mahmoud Abbas tidak bercakap bagi pihak rakyat Palestin kerana ia bukan dari Hamas sedangkan rakyat memilih Hamas pada pilihan raya.

Sementara itu, para pegawai AS melahirkan harapan agar sidang Annapolis akan melemahkan perikatan Iran, Syria, Hamas dan pergerakan Hizbullah Lebanon.
– AP

26 September 2007

Ganjaran membaca ayat dalam Solat


Daripada Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash r.a., daripada Rasulullah s.a.w. bahawasanya beliau bersabda,

"Sesiapa yang solat dengan membaca sepuluh ayat, maka ia tidak akan dicatat dalam golongan orang-orang yang lalai.
Dan sesiapa yang solat dengan membaca seratus ayat, maka dia akan dicatat dalam golongan orang-orang yang taat.
Dan sesiapa yang (membaca) seribu ayat, maka dicatat dalam golongan orang-orang mendapat satu qinthar"

(Riwayat Abu Daud, Baihaqi, Ibn Hibban dan Ibnu Khuzaimah)

Penjelasan "Satu qinthar" :

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a., bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,
"Satu Qinthar dalah 12,000 uqiyah. Tiap-tiap satu uqiyah adalah lebih baik dari segala yang ada antara langit dan bumi."

(Riwayat Ibnu Hibban di dalam sahihnya. Menurut keterangan Maulana Muhammad Yussof Al-Kandhalawi, isnad hadith ini hassan.)

12 September 2007

Organize your life during Ramadhan


We would like to wish you a happy and fruitful month of Ramadan 1426.

As we are spiritually preparing for the month of Ramadan, I would like to suggest the following program to help everyone—including those who go to work early in the morning or to school—have an enjoyable, organized, and well-spent month.

Many people hold the perception that fasting in Ramadan demands a tremendous amount of energy, and therefore many activities should be reduced and many projects should be postponed until Ramadan is over. I would like to suggest in the following lines a simple schedule, as I was asked by some brothers and sisters on how to organize life during this blessed month. This schedule can also be applied outside Ramadan.

1. Sleep well

If you come back from Tarawih at 10:00 every night, try to sleep at 11:00 in order to wake up for sahur (pre-dawn meal), as it was the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to eat something before Fajr. You can go back to sleep after Fajr if you wish. Otherwise, it is better to try to close your eyes even for a few minutes after Zhuhr and take a power nap even for 15 or 20 minutes during lunch time. The afternoon nap is very neglected by people although it was widely taken in the past. Any fasting person will benefit from fasting not only spiritually; but if one has a healthy and rested body, there can also be many medical and physical benefits.

2. Manage your time wisely

Make a "to do" list every day.

Review your to do list and refresh your memory about scheduled meetings or classes.

Put things that are most important at the top and do them first. If it's easier, use a planner to track all of your tasks.

Make your most important phone calls early, as you're more likely to catch people at their desks at the beginning of the day.

Then use your paper or electronic calendar to divide the rest of the day into project segments.

Even if your time estimates are approximate, they help you focus on how much you can realistically expect to get done.

Attack the most important projects when your personal energy is highest. For you who are fasting, this may be first thing in the morning.

Check your e-mail and messages throughout the day, again sorting them immediately. Read and respond to urgent items, but file the rest away for the time you've already scheduled to handle them.

Wrap up the day and prepare for tomorrow.

Review your checklist and cross off completed items.

Move any pending items to a fresh list for tomorrow.

On another note, count your hours. If you sleep for six or seven hours and work for eight hours plus the traffic—which can be on average one to two hours—you are left with seven to nine hours for other things.

Shopping, meals, and time with the family will take an average of four to five hours, and the time in the mosque at night for religious lessons, `Ishaa' and Tarawih will take a maximum of two to three hours.

You will be left with another two hours that you can use for either more learning about Islam or for school homework or extra business or work from your job.

3. Manage your energy wisely

The best fasting is the one that makes a person cooler and less angry and excited in a negative way. Fasting teaches discipline and self-control. It constantly reminds the individual of continuous abstinence and observance. Therefore, since the body stores different components of energy, it needs to be functioning according to what it can take during the hours from Fajr till Maghrib. While managing your time, make sure that you do the most demanding jobs or activities early in the morning without exhausting yourself. Rest in between different tasks and breathe in enough oxygen at all times. Most of the stress is caused by less breathing and more worry and unrest. Try to understand where you're losing time the most and cut it down. This way you will also save energy.

4. Make your rest the daily Prayer

Prayer rests the mind, the body, and the spirit. Use your break time for Prayer in congregation if you can. Since many of us want to finish the Qur'an at least once in Ramadan, try to read a small portion—two to four pages—before or after Prayer.

5. Eat and drink well

Allah the Almighty ordered us to eat and drink between Maghrib and Fajr in a way that shows continuity. This is medically proven to be the best eating habit. It means you should eat small portions every 3 or 4 hours instead of having a long interval of 10 hours between the 2 meals (iftar and sahur). This also applies to drinking, since the body needs to store a minimum of 2 liters of liquid a day.

6. Watch less TV

Unfortunately, it is widely practiced in many Muslim countries to stay up all night, or spend most of the night watching TV and movies for hours instead of doing useful things. Ramadan is the month of the Qur'an. It is an intensive season of worship and spiritual elevation. It is not the month of entertainment and comedy shows. We all like to laugh and have fun and balance things, but if the entertainment becomes the mood of the nights of Ramadan, then we are missing the point of fasting.

7. Complete a project

Try to set some goals in the beginning of Ramadan and plan for the whole month in a way you will achieve by the end of the month what you intend to achieve. For instance, commit yourself to collect for your mosque, orphanage, or school, etc., a certain amount of money by contacting your close ones and friends. If you achieve more than half, then it will be a success and it will encourage you to do better the next year, in sha' Allah.

Imam Hamid Slimi is a scholar who is specialized in Islamic studies and Law as well as Comparative World Religions. He holds two Masters degrees with High Honors in both disciplines and is currently finishing his Ph.D. in Islamic Law.

He received both his traditional and Academic learning in Morocco and attended other renowned institutions and universities in other parts of the world. He received his Masters in Comparative World Religions from the U.S.A.

He currently represents the Muslim community at the Ontario Multi-Faith Council and is very active in the Muslim-Christian Dialogue. He is also an adviser and consultant for a good number of different local and National institutionsE ..


11 September 2007

Pejuang yang dilupakan


Nasionalisma dan reformasi ketika pemerintahan DatoAbdullah (1922–1938)

Kebanyakan kegiatan sosial dan budaya yang berkembangdi merata Rembau dan seluruh Negeri Sembilan padatahun 1920an dan 1930an adalah bertitik tolak dariaspirasi dan kejayaan Dato Abdullah bin Haji Dahan, yang menjadi Undang Rembau dari 1920 hingga 1938 dan
diingati diperingkat Rembau sebagai seorang pemerintahyang berani dan pahlawan budaya moden.

Sepertimana kanak-kanak lain yang pintar dari golonganpemerintah, anak muda ini menerima sokongan Britishuntuk menghadiri sekolah berbahasa Inggeris yang elitiaitu Kolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar.Ini adalah perkara biasa untuk anak-anak dari golonganpemerintah yang akan bekerja sebagai penjawat awam.

Bagaimanapun beliau mempunyai cita-cita yang lebihtinggi di mana dia mencari kerjaya di bidangperubatan. Sekiranya dia melanjutkan pelajaran ke HongKong, dia adalah antara orang Melayu pertama yangmendapat pendidikan tinggi di luar koloni, dan mungkinantara doktor Melayu yang terawal.Tapi oleh kerana ayahnya dan pihak berkuasa British memandang rendah cita-cita beliau, diputuskan beliaubelajar perubatan di Singapura hanya untuk menjadipembantu perubatan.

Pada tahun 1922 Dato Abdullah telah dilantik sebagaiUndang Rembau menggantikan Dato Haji Sulong bin Ambia.Penulisan British ada menyatakan beliau dilantiksebagai Undang Rembau pada usia 17 tahun dengankebolehan yang luar biasa, bercita-cita tinggi, pintardan mempunyai kesungguhan tinggi.Dia dilahirkan dari suku Sedia Raja dari golongankeluarga yang berada.

Perjuangan Dato Abdullahbukanlah melalui peperangan di sepanjang Sungai Rembautetapi adalah melalui memorandum, petisyen rasmi dandalam majlis persidangan.Dato Abdullah adalah orang yang paling kuat melobiuntuk ditubuhkan beberapa sekolah perdagangan daninstitusi berbahasa Inggeris supaya lebih ramai anakMelayu dapat menjadi pentadbir yang baik sertamenjawat jawatan professional.

Masa depan orang Melayu sedang berdepan risiko ketika itu dengan dasarpelajaran British. Bagaimanapun cadangan Dato Abdullahmendapat tentangan berterusan dari pentadbirankolonial. Mereka bimbang sekiranya orang Melayu berpendidikan tinggi tiada siapa lagi yang akanmenjadi kerani.

Perubahan yang dilakukan oleh Dato Abdullah bukansahaja di bidang pendidikan. Bahkan dia banyakmembantu menubuhkan beberapa koperasi dan persatuan diNegeri Sembilan untuk membangunkan masyarakat Melayuketika itu. Dato Abdullah juga sentiasa menasihatkan orang-orangkampung agar meninggalkan amalan khurafat dan syirikyang dikaitkan dengan roh-roh setempat.

Gelombang kebangkitan ulamak yang mendapat pendidikan di Kedah dan Kelantan pada awal 1900an serta dariMesir dan Arab Saudi juga telah menyedarkan masyarakatMelayu bahawa kepercayaan karut tersebut adalahbertentangan dengan ajaran Islam.

Dato Abdullah juga pernah membicarakan mengenai percanggahan antara adat dan syarak dalam pembahagianharta dan harta sepencarian dimana hukum Islamsepatutnya diutamakan daripada hukum adat.Dato Abdullah juga adalah antara orang yangmenyuarakan penubuhan pasukan Askar Melayu.

Usaha inibermula semenjak tahun 1902 lagi. Banyak perbincangan oleh Raja-Raja Melayu dan Penasihat-Penasihat Britishtelah dijalankan bagi mengujudkan pasukan ini. Dalamtahun 1913 Almarhum DYMM Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, Tunku Muhamad ibni Yam Tunku Antah, AlmarhumDYMM Sultan Perak, Sultan Alang Iskandar Shah,Almarhum Raja Di Hilir Perak, Raja Sir Chulan danAlmarhum Undang Rembau, Dato Abdullah bin Haji Dahantelah menyuarakan hasrat menubuhkan pasukan AskarMelayu.

Hasrat Raja-Raja ini telah menjadi kenyataan apabila di dalam Persidangan Majlis MesyuaratPersekutuan pada 23 Januari 1933, Rang Undang-UndangAskar Melayu telah diluluskan dan dikenali sebagaiUndang-Undang No. 11.

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Petikan terjemahan buku “Early Politics: Nationalistsof My Land, Unite” (Politik Awal : Nasionalis TanahAir Ku, Bersatulah)

Beliau ialah Dato Abdullah Bin Haji Dahan, UndangRembau. Anak kepada seorang Dato di Negeri Sembilan,Abdullah mulanya belajar di sekolah Melayu kemudian lulus peperiksaan Senior Cambridge dengan cemerlang diKolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar.

Antara ahli Majlis Persekutuan yang dilantik, beliau adalah yang paling lantang, terutamanya memperjuangkanhak-hak orang Melayu. Dia pernah secara terbukamempersoalkan Inggeris yang melantik bukan Melayu diJabatan Kerajaan.

Pihak Inggeris menjawab, "Keranatiada orang Melayu yang berpelajaran Inggeris.Sebenarnya adalah polisi Kerajaan British untuk tidakmenggalakkan orang Melayu masuk ke sekolah aliran Inggeris sejak dari mula lagi.Dato Abdullah berjuang untuk kepentingan Melayu.

Beliau menggesa agar Inggeris memberikan lebih peruntukan untuk Tanah Rezab Melayu dan memberikan lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan kepada Melayu dijabatan kerajaan yang dimonopoli oleh bangsa asing,seperti Keretapi Tanah Melayu, Telekom dan JabatanKerja Raya.

Beliau mengakui ramai orang Melayu yangbekerja di peringkat bawahan, tapi bagaimana denganjawatan kanan seperti Ketua Stesen ? Kenapa orangMelayu tidak diberi kepercayaan untuk memikul lebihtanggungjawab ? Apabila Zaman Kemelesetan berlaku pada tahun 1929,pihak British memberhentikan ramai pekerja, DatoAbdullah memberi amaran kepada British, jangan sentuhpekerja Melayu.

Dari cadangan tersebut pendatang asingharus dibuang kerja terlebih dahulu, dia pada ketikaitu, tidak begitu disukai oleh pendatang Cina danpendatang India.Dato Undang Rembau adalah orang yang berani, lantangdalam tahun 1920an dan 1930an, ketika tiada siapa yangberani bersuara terhadap orang Inggeris.

Dato Undang Rembau akhirnya dikeluarkan daripadaMajlis oleh pihak British atas alasan beliau menderitapenyakit saraf. British akhirnya berjaya membuang duridalam daging mereka.Dato Abdullah juga adalah merupakan salah seorangdaripada empat orang pembesar Melayu yang menubuhkanRejimen Askar Melayu DiRaja.
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Rujukan :A Share of the HarvestKinship, Property, and Social History among the Malaysof RembauMichael Gates PeletzUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESShttp://content. cdlib.org/ view?docId= ft6m3nb481& chunk.id= d0e1991



Khutbah Rasulullah Menyambut Ramadhan
Oleh: Mochamad Bugi

“Wahai manusia, sungguh telah datang pada kalian bulan Allah dengan membawa berkah rahmat dan maghfirah. Bulan yang paling mulia di sisi Allah. Hari-harinya adalah hari-hari yang paling utama. Malam-malamnya adalah malam-malam yang paling utama. Jam demi jamnya adalah jam-jam yg paling utama.

Inilah bulan ketika kamu diundang menjadi tetamu Allah dan dimuliakan oleh-Nya. Di bulan ini nafas-nafasmu menjadi tasbih, tidurmu ibadah, amal-amalmu diterima dan doa-doamu diijabah. Bermohonlah kepada Allah Rabbmu dengan niat yang tulus dan hati yang suci agar Allah membimbingmu untuk melakukan shiyam dan membaca Kitab-Nya.

Celakalah orang yang tidak mendapat ampunan Allah di bulan yang agung ini. Kenanglah dengan rasa lapar dan hausmu, kelaparan dan kehausan di hari kiamat. Bersedekahlah kepada kaum fuqara dan masakin. Muliakanlah orang tuamu, sayangilah yang muda, sambungkanlah tali persaudaraanmu, jaga lidahmu, tahan pandanganmu dari apa yang tidak halal kamu memandangnya dan pendengaranmu dari apa yang tidak halal kamu mendengarnya. Kasihilah anak-anak yatim, niscaya dikasihi manusia anak-anak yatimmu.

Bertaubatlah kepada Allah dari dosa-dosamu. Angkatlah tangan-tanganmu untuk berdoa pada waktu shalatmu karena itulah saat-saat yang paling utama ketika Allah Azza wa Jalla memandang hamba-hamba- Nya dengan penuh kasih; Dia menjawab mereka ketika mereka menyeru-Nya, menyambut mereka ketika mereka memanggil-Nya dan mengabulkan doa mereka ketika mereka berdoa kepada-Nya.

Wahai manusia! Sesungguhnya diri-dirimu tergadai karena amal-amalmu, maka bebaskanlah dengan istighfar. Punggung-punggungmu berat karena beban (dosa)-mu, maka ringankanlah dengan memperpanjang sujudmu.

Ketahuilah, Allah Ta’ala bersumpah dengan segala kebesaran-Nya bahwa Dia tidak akan mengadzab orang-orang yang shalat dan sujud, dan tidak akan mengancam mereka dengan neraka pada hari manusia berdiri di hadapan Rabbal-alamin.

Wahai manusia, barangsiapa di antaramu memberi buka kepada orang-orang mukmin yang berpuasa di bulan ini, maka di sisi Allah nilainya sama dengan membebaskan seorang budak dan dia diberi ampunan atas dosa-dosa yang lalu.

(Seorang sahabat bertanya, “Ya Rasulullah, tidaklah kami semua mampu berbuat demikian.” Rasulullah meneruskan khotbahnya, “Jagalah dirimu dari api neraka walau pun hanya dengan sebiji kurma. Jagalah dirimu dari api neraka walau pun hanya dengan seteguk air.”)

Wahai manusia, siapa yang membaguskan akhlaknya di bulan ini, ia akan berhasil melewati Sirathal Mustaqim pada hari ketika kaki-kaki tergelincir. Siapa yang meringankan pekerjaan orang-orang yang dimiliki tangan kanannya (pegawai atau pembantu) di bulan ini, Allah akan meringankan pemeriksaan- Nya di hari kiamat. Barangsiapa menahan kejelekannya di bulan ini, Allah akan menahan murka-Nya pada hari ia berjumpa dengan-Nya.

Barangsiapa memuliakan anak yatim di bulan ini, Allah akan memuliakanya pada hari ia berjumpa dengan-Nya. Barangsiapa menyambungkan tali persaudaraan (silaturahmi) di bulan ini, Allah akan menghubungkan dia dengan rahmat-Nya pada hari ia berjumpa dengan-Nya. Barangsiapa memutuskan kekeluargaan di bulan ini, Allah akan memutuskan rahmat-Nya pada hari ia berjumpa dengan-Nya.

Barangsiapa melakukan shalat sunat di bulan ini, Allah akan menuliskan baginya kebebasan dari api neraka. Barangsiapa melakukan shalat fardu baginya ganjaran seperti melakukan 70 shalat fardu di bulan lain.

Barangsiapa memperbanyak shalawat kepadaku di bulan ini, Allah akan memberatkan timbangannya pada hari ketika timbangan meringan. Barangsiapa di bulan ini membaca satu ayat Al-Quran, ganjarannya sama seperti mengkhatam Al-Quran pada bulan-bulan yang lain.

Wahai manusia! Sesungguhnya pintu-pintu surga dibukakan bagimu, maka mintalah kepada Tuhanmu agar tidak pernah menutupkannya bagimu. Pintu-pintu neraka tertutup, maka mohonlah kepada Rabbmu untuk tidak akan pernah dibukakan bagimu. Setan-setan terbelenggu, maka mintalah agar ia tak lagi pernah menguasaimu.”

(Aku –Ali bin Abi Thalib yang meriwayatkan hadits ini– berdiri dan berkata, “Ya Rasulullah, apa amal yang paling utama di bulan ini?” Jawab Nabi, “Ya Abal Hasan, amal yang paling utama di bulan ini adalah menjaga diri dari apa yang diharamkan Allah”.)


09 September 2007




Ilinuha media & Islamic collection ….

Wooden handycraft for pin , handphone and keychain
We are introducing you a quality Islamic accessory .. a fine handmade arts on a quality wood … which kids and adult like for decorating bags, caps, shirt, on scarf or hand phone… cute and colourful with Islamic massage ..where creatures around us telling to obey God…

A Picture Worth Thousands Words
Below are motives for keychain,pin (brooch) and
handphone accessory.

Handsome boys pin small and medium size
Jilbab Girls pin small and medium size at 1 USD – 2 USD / RM 3.00 - RM 3.50

.. Keychain of various motives price
at 3 USD per unit/ RM 5.00
Keychain of jilbab girls, decent boys and letters are available too .

Handphone accessory and Creative bookmarks or pointer for Reading Quran and etc. price 3 USD / RM 5.00 per unit

Select any motive and value quotation to send massages to your beloved one

16 August 2007

Muslimah swimwear... for Muslimah and for all


Ahlan wa Sahlan,

welcome to ilinuha blog .... Alhamdulillah with Allah's permission and grace, we are able to deliver muslimah a kind of Swimwear to swim and participate in water activities without compromising their 'aurat'.

MuslimahSwimwear adapting from the current technology, the most appropriate attire for swimming or just play in the water in public / hotel swimming pool an even convenient for outdoor sports or aerobic.

We are also looking for business partners by offering lucrative packages so that together we can grow this business.

Price @ size S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL .... RM 139 /149/ 159/ 169

Hope you find our products of use and meet your requirements.

Call Ilinuha Media and Islamic Gift
Venue branch : Ipoh, Perak ,West Malaysia
e-mail : ilinuha04@yahoo.com

Shukran Jazilan !!

13 August 2007

A collection of various dhikrs from the sunnah.


A collection of various dhikrs from the sunnah.

SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi(Glory be to Allah and I Praise Him)...

Whoever says (the above) at morning and evening time, one hundredtimes, none shall come on the Day of Resurrection with anything better except someone who has said the same or more[Muslim; 4:42071]

SubhanAllah wa biHamdihi(Glory be to Allah and I Praise Him) a hundred times during the day, his sins are wiped away, even if theyare like the foam of the sea[Sahih al-Bukhari; 7:168, Muslim; 4:2071]

SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi(Glory be to Allah and I Praise Him) Abu Dharr reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,

"Shall I tell you the words that Allah loves the most?"

I said: "Yes,tell me, O Messenger of Allah."

He said: "The words dearest to Allah are:

subhanAllah wa bihamdihi[Muslim and at-Tirmidhi]

SubhanAllahil adheem wa biHamdihi(Glory be to Allah, The Supreme, and I Praise Him)a palm tree is planted for him in Paradise[at-Tirmidhi; 5:511, al-Hakim]

SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, SubhanAllahil adheem (Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme) Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:

"Two words are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, they are loved by the MostMerciful One"[Sahih al-Bukhari; 7:67, Muslim; 4:2071]

SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)one Hundred times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him or a thousand bad deeds are wiped away[Muslim; 4:2073]

La Hawla wa la Quwatta illa Billah (There is no Might or Power except with Allah)mentioned in hadith as "a treasure from the treasures of Paradise"[Sahih al-Bukhari; al-Fath al-Bari; 11:213, Muslim; 4:2076]

SubhanAllah, walHamdulilah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, waAllahu Akbar (Glory be to Allah, All Praise is for Allah, There is No God butAllah, Allah is the Greatest)-

The above are mentioned as the four most beloved words to Allah. It doesnt matter which of them is begun with[Muslim; 3:1685]

Abu Saiid reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,

"Perform the enduring goods deeds (al-baqiyat al-salihat) more frequently.

" They asked, "What are these enduring good deeds?"

TheProphet replied: Takbir [Allahu Akbar], Tahlil [la ilaha illallah],Tasbih [Subhan'Allah] , alhamdu lillah, and la hawla wa la quwwata illabillah. .[an-Nasa'i and Hakim, who said its chain is sahih]
SubhanAllah, walHamdulilah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, waAllahu Akbar (Glory be to Allah, All Praise is for Allah, There is No God butAllah, Allah is the Greatest)-
Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: 'For me to say (the above)is dearer to me and all that the sun rises upon (ie the whole world)[Muslim; 4:2072]

SubhanAllah, walHamdulilah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, waAllahu Akbar, wala Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah (Glory be to Allah, All Praise is for Allah, There is No God but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, There is no might or any power Except with Allah)-

The good deeds which endure are (the above)SubhanAllah, walHamdulilah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, waAllahu Akbar, wala Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah(Glory be to Allah, All Praise is for Allah, There is No God butAllah, Allah is the Greatest, There is no might or any power Exceptwith Allah)-

AbdAllah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet said: "During theNight Journey I met Ibrahim (alayhis salam) who said to me: OMuhammad, convey my greetings to your Community, and tell them that the Paradise is of pure land, its water is sweet, and its expanse is vast, spacious and even. And its seedlings are SubhanAllah,walhamdulilah, wa la ilaha ilAllah, waAllahu Akbar (the above)

[at-Tirmidhi and Tabarani whose version adds:

"There is no power nor strength save through Allah"] Alhamdulilah (All Praise is for Allah)- Verily the best supplication is (above).[Muslim; 4:2073]

La illaha ilAllah (u)(There is No God But Allah)- The best form of remembrance is (above).[Muslim; 4:2073]

La illaha ilAllah (u)(There is No God But Allah)- Abu Huraira (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahualayhi wasalam) said:

"When a servant of Allah utters the words la ilaha illallah (there is no God except Allah) sincerely, the doors of heaven open up for these words until they reach the Throne of Allah, so long as its uttererkeeps away from the major sins.[at-Tirmidhi, who says it is hasan gharib. al-Mundhiri included inal-Targhib 2:414]

La illaha ilAllah (u)(There is No God But Allah)- Abu Huraira (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahualayhi wasalam) said,

"Renew your faith." "How can we renew ourfaith?" they asked. The Prophet replied:"Say always: la ilaha illallah."[Ahmad with a fair chain of authorities]

La illaha ilAllahu, waHdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahulHamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer (There is No God But Allah Alone, who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the raise, and He is able to do all things)-

whoever says the above ten times, will have the reward for freeing four slaves from the Children of Isma'il (alayhis salam)[Sahih al-Bukhari; 7:67, Muslim; 4:2071]

La illaha ilAllahu, waHdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahulHamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer (There is No God But Allah Alone, who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the raise, and He is Able to do all things)-

whoever says the above one Hundred times, has the reward of freeing ten slaves, a hundred good deeds are recorded for him and a hundred bad deeds are wiped away and he has gained refuge from the devil that day until evening and none shall come with anything better except someone who has done more.[Sahih al-Bukhari; 4:95, Muslim; 4:2071]

La illaha ilAllahu, Wahidda(n), Ahada(n), Samada(n), lam yatakhidhsahiba(n). Wa la walada, wa la yak(n)ul-lahu kufuwan Ahad (There is no God except Allah, the One and Only, the Eternal, Who has not taken a partner nor a son. And there is none like unto Him)Whoever says the words above ten times, then 40,000 (forty thousand)good deeds will be recorded for him[Ahmad]

Astaghfirullah al-'Adheemal- ladhi la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul- Qayyum waatubu ilai (I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Mighty, Whom there is none worthy except Him, the Living, The Eternal, and I repent unto Him)Whoever says the above words, Allah will forgive him even if he deserted the army's ranks[Abu Dawud 2/85, at-Tirmithi 5/569, Al-Hakim who declared it authenticand ath-Thahabi agreed with him 1/511]

Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta, Anta Khalaqtani wa anaabduka, wa ana 'ala ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu, A'udhu bika minSharri ma sana'tu, abu'u Laka bini'matika 'alaiya, wa Abu Lakabidhanbi faghfirli innahu la yaghfiru adhdhunuba illa anta (O Allah! You are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped butYou. You created me and I am Your slave, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise as much as I can. I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done. I acknowledge before You all the blessingsYou have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So Ientreat You to forgive my sins, for nobody can forgive sins except You.)

The above du'a is known as the Sayyid al-Istighfar and is the most superior way of asking for forgiveness from Allah.Whoever says it during the day with firm faith in it, and dies on the same day before the evening, he will be from the people of Paradise;and if somebody recites it at night with firm faith in it, and dies before the morning, he will be from the people of Paradise.[Sahih al-Bukhari 8, 75 #318]

If someone implements ten verses of the Qur'an, He/She will not be considerate amongst the negligent on the Day of Judgment[Abu Dawud, Ibn Hibban - sahih]

If someone implements one hundred verses of the Qur'an, He/She will beconsidered among the obedient on the Day of Judgment.[Abu Dawud, Ibn Hibban - sahih]If someone implements one thousand verses of the Qur'an, He/She willbe amongst the extremely rich on the Day of Judgement.[Abu Dawud, Ibn Hibban - sahih]


Ilinuha media and Islamic gift

Ilinuha media and Islamic gift


We are introducing you a quality Islamic accessory .. a fine handmade arts on a quality wood … which kids and adult like for decorating bags, caps, shirt, scarf or hand phone… cute and colourful with Islamic massage ..where creatures around us telling to obey God…

A Picture Worth Thousands Words
Below are motives for keychain,pin (brooch) and handphone accessory.

There are books marks or pointer for reading quran too..

Select any motive and value quotation to send massages to your beloved one .

We are looking for dealers from your area.

Contact or send E-mail : ilinuha04@yahoo.com

11 July 2007

Does Muslim Worship The Kaabah?

From this photo you may see what exactly inside The Kaaba . There is no any statues or idols inside. From outside you will see the black cloth with golden Arabic embroidery writing Praising Allah.

The black cloth covering this huge concrete square building. This huge square building is not for the Muslim to worship as most non Muslim use to think . It's an object to centralize the direction of worshiping God for every Muslim around the world as its function as the centre point of the earth.

سبحان الله و الحمد لله و الله اكبر
لا إ له إلا الله و حده لا شريك له
له الملك و له الحمد , وهو على كل شيء قدير
لاإ له إلا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
سبحان الله و بحمد ه
حسبى الله لا ا له الا هو عليه تو كلت و هو رب العرش العظيم

وهذه الصورة النادرة للكعبة من الداخل

وهذه صورة التقطتها الصحافة لحظة خروج خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبد العزيز واخوانه قادة العالم الاسلامي من الكعبة المشرفة ويظهر في الصور جدار الكعبة من الداخل ولونه اخضر وكذلك احد الاعمدة وبعض الفوانيس المعلقة .

The History of Kaaba.

In The Quran had mentioned:

  " Behold! We gave the site, To Ibrahim, of the (Sacred) House", Al Hajj, 26

Accordingly, Ibrahim and his son Ismail built the Kabah. Later through the decades the Kabah was rebuilt various times through history but always by maintaining the original stonework and dimensions. The Kabah has a great role in Islam, being the vocal point of all prayers as well as a destination for worship and devotion. As translated from the Quran:
 "Allah hath appointed the Kabah, the Sacred House, a standard for mankind"  Al maidah, 97  

 1 = Center of the earth
 2 = History, Makkah during Abraham.
 3 = Year 157 before Hejrah, Makkah during Gussei, Grandfather to Prophet Mohammed.
 4 = Year 12 before Hejrah, Makkah during Guraish.
 5 = Year 91 Hejrah, Makkah the Omayied Era.
 6 = Year 310 Hejrah, Makkah during the Abbasied Era.  
 7 = Year 1215 Hejra, Makkah during the Ottoman Empire.
 8 = Year 1412 hejrah, makkah after completed by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosque, King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz


30 June 2007

Fil Lail..elHasyan..song

Molaya albumمحمد الحسيانMuhammed Elhasyanفي ليلة من اللياليsong:
في ليلة من الليالي .. لست أدري ما اعتراني
Fi laylaten min allyali…lsto adry ma eatarani
Once in night of nights…I don't know what befallen on me

ظلمةٌ تغمرني يا رب
Zolmaton taghmorni ya rub
Darkness submerged me, my God -(ya rub)-

الأرض ضاقت والسماء .. وقلبي ما عرف الضياء
Alarrd daqat wa elsamk…wa qalbi ma arefa el diyak
The land and sky became tight …and my heart never know light

والدمع بات يبكي يا إلهي
Wa el damao bata yabki ya elahi
My tears weaping , my God –(ya elahi)-

عصيت والذنب كبير .. وإني في حزني أسير
Asayto wa el zanbo kabir..wa eni fi hozni asir
Disobeyed and the guilt big ... and me as slave (prisoner) in my sadness

مقيد بالذنب يا رب
Moqayadon belzanbie ya rub
Me has tied by my guilt , my God –(ya rub)-

فهل يستحق يا .. إلهي العفو مجرماً
Fahl yastaheqo ya…elahi alafwa mojrima
One guilty like me deserve your forgive my God!

مقرٌّ بالذنوب يا إلهي
Moqirran belzononbi ya elahi
Acknowledger by my guilts to my God

أنت الذي خلقتني ... رحمتني ورزقتني
Anta allazi khalqtani…rahimtani wa razaqtani
You –refer to ALLAH- created me and mercifully and animated me

دوماً يا رب قد كنت معي
Dwman ya rub qd konta maie
My god –(ya rub)- you always with me

لكنني نأيت عنك .. نسيت ما قد كان لك
Lakenani nakyto ank…nasito ma qd kan lak
But I was beyond from you… forgot your rights

وسرت في طريقي يا إلهي
Wa sirto fi tariqie ya elahi
And walk in my guilt way, my God

واليوم يا رب أعود .. من ظلمة خلف الحدود
Wa elyawmo ya rub aawod…min zolmaton khalfa elhedod
Today I came back to you … from darkness behind your rules

فالقلب منكسر وطرفي حائر
Fa alqalbo monkaseron wa tarafi hakir
My heart is broken and me confused -because guilt-

وأنا الغريق فلا أرى .. إلا سواك لي منقذاً
Wa ana elghariiq fla ara…ela siwak lii monqiza
And I am the drowns and no one seen except you to help me

لا منجى ولا منجى إلا أنت
La manga wla manga ella anta
No helper except you, and no helper except you my god

يا إلهي
Ya elahi

Notes: alphabet key in nasyid

A: ع (ain)
H: ح )hah)
K: ء (hamzah)

sent by sereen_moon


28 June 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Ketenangan dengan membaca Al Quran

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a., katanya: "Rasulullah s.a.w. .bersabda:

"Tiada suatu kaum pun yang sama berkumpul dalam salah satu rumah dari rumah-rumah Allah - yakni masjid - sambil membaca Kitabullah dan saling bertadarus di antara mereka itu, melainkan turunlah ketenangan di atas mereka, serta mereka akan diliputi oleh kerahmatan dan diliputi oleh para malaikat dan Allah menyebut-nyebutkan mereka itu kepada makhluk-makhluk yang ada di sisiNya - yakni para malaikat." (Riwayat Muslim)

26 June 2007

one day in Jogja

Haji Amin and me waiting at station . We were accompanied by a young friend Hafidzah from Surabaya.

3 pm east java time ..we departed from Surabaya to Jogjakarta by Sancaka train at Gubeng station ( there are 3 railway station in Surabaya).

We arrived at Jogjakarta at 8.30 pm .. it was really long journey but alhamdulillah the train was nice and comfortable .. it was excutive aircondition train so much better then Airasia flight that fly us from LCCT airport Sepang to Surabaya airport.

On arrival at Jogja station I was nervoused .. worried if my host not showed up ... but alhamdulillah while I was stepping out of the train.. there I saw a sweet couple Brother Yus and wife Naning walked towards my husband and me.

The miracle of faith had build ukhuwah between 2 person who had not seen or communicate each other directly. In other term Islam teaches human to be friendly.

I had known brother Yus when a sister from Selangor Aishah sent me the Pin Kayu website. Aishah knew I was fond of Islamic item for collection. Now i had become brother Yus customer perhaps more then that we have brotherhood relation .

This is our host home .. cute, beautiful, clean and peaceful. But there are some cracks due to earth quake happen last year 2006 . We spent one night in this home.. sleeping like a log ..ZZzzzzz..

Very far far behind this home there stand Merapi mountain a volcanoe that is still active. According to brother Yus 3 great disaster happened in Indonesia .. (tsunami in Banda Aceh, earthquake in jogjakarta and mud flood in Surabaya) had created terriblly recline to Indonesia economy. So he need to take steps to go abroad introducing his product through internet.. and he really did !! Congratulation brother !!

The terrace paddy field can be seen near to our host village . This gives beautiful scenery to the village

We were standing at the entrance of the temple Borobudur .. one of the ancient Budhist temple in Jogja that still preserved although the community surrounding were majority Muslim . Borobudur temple 40 km away from brother Yus home.

This Temple is used once a year during the celebration of Vesak day. Untill now it is celebrated in peace ... This remind me to our brothers and sisters in most country where Muslim community has no freedom to practice Islam ..for example in Baitul maqdis where the Muslims were having great resistance from the Israel regime to perform worship in the masjidil Aqsa.. Muslim student cannot wear jilbab in france .. Loud speaker is not allow to use for azan in western country but the loud sound from the church bell is allowed.

This is an extraordinary bamboo ... has been kept in a muzium of Indonesian books of record and beside the funny bamboo is the biggest man's shirt. In this muzium u can see many extraordinary things , people and activities .. Peoples like to see most amazing things hopefully we not forget this all are inspired by our Most Superior Creator Allah swt ..

These 3 pictures are the residence of Jogja sultan that has no authority to rule the province .. Looking at a few statue located in this area may make u think they are hindus or buddhist .. but actually the sultan are muslim .. It seem that the kings loves statue alot . May Allah help them to understand that He forbid all these statue ...

A visit at Batik Galery near to the Sultan Istana is very exciting place to those who loves arts .. these batik are handmade call mencanting batik ... The motive of arts are mainly the traditional lifes of local people .

Thanks to Allah... it was very nice day .. not hot eventhough it seem going to rain but no rain .. the day really welcome us to Jogja...but we still need some energy input after whole day visit .. Pempek restaurant is our target for refreshment. Pempek a cuisine that was basiccally made of fish with various kind of presentation .. The name is very uncommon to me but the taste not much different from popular food in malaysia like fish ball , fish nugget or keropok lekor ...

Our last visit was at sanggar ( workshop) Brother Yus where he produce wooden items such as pin, keychain, tuding Quran (something like books mark) , and handphone accessory... with a male and a few female staff who were doing very fine arts on a tiny piece of wood .. MasaAllah hw patient there are u cant imagine !!! .. If I were going to do that I would have back pain or neck pain.

That's it !! Phew ! my one day visit in Jogja .. at abt 3 am we departed from Jogja railway station to Surabaya for anext day visit in the second biggest city in Indonesia ..

cheers and thanks for reading