Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a., katanya: "Rasulullah s.a.w. .bersabda:
"Tiada suatu kaum pun yang sama berkumpul dalam salah satu rumah dari rumah-rumah Allah - yakni masjid - sambil membaca Kitabullah dan saling bertadarus di antara mereka itu, melainkan turunlah ketenangan di atas mereka, serta mereka akan diliputi oleh kerahmatan dan diliputi oleh para malaikat dan Allah menyebut-nyebutkan mereka itu kepada makhluk-makhluk yang ada di sisiNya - yakni para malaikat." (Riwayat Muslim)
1 comment:
el slam alikom your blog is so nice and freindly
and your way in writing is so nice
iknow that you have alot and your time not for you
iknow that ,espcially i know one steal your time specialy in the time you do blog in it may be this accure by luck but
coze this one cant find you in suitable time for you coze you have alot of tasks
he write to you to say to you eventhough i take tour all over the worled cant find one patient on me and give me alot of kind and love me like you
you know me??????
iam your son Mohammed
in last cant say but barak allah feekey ummi elhabibah and make e and you and my moms and all muslims in jannah inshaa allah
dont find reward for you best than this words (say it)
soban allah wabehamdeh sobhan allah elazeem
want to say to all ppl visit this page iam sorry to bothering ummi during complete her blog and enjoy yours by her bloging ask ALLAH bless me, her ,&all muslims
saya sayang ummi elhabibah
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